A devastating stampede at a religious event in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras district has led to the deaths of more than 120 people, with many others injured. The tragedy took place after a Satsang led by Narayan Sakaar Hari, also known as Sakaar Vishwa Hari or Bhole Baba.
Who is Bhole Baba?
Bhole Baba, whose real name is Narayan Sakaar Hari, hails from Bahadur village in the Patiali tehsil of Etah district. He is a self-proclaimed former employee of the Intelligence Bureau (IB). Twenty-six years ago, he left his government job to begin delivering religious sermons. Today, he has millions of followers across India, particularly in western Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Delhi.
Despite the prominence of social media in modern religious movements, Bhole Baba maintains a low profile online and does not have any official social media accounts. His followers assert that his influence is strong at the grassroots level.
Bhole Baba’s programs are organized every Tuesday in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, drawing thousands of attendees. Volunteers at these gatherings ensure that devotees receive necessary amenities, including food and drinks. Notably, Bhole Baba continued to attract large crowds even during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bhole Baba’s Background and Activities
Bhole Baba, also known as Narayan Sakaar Hari, often appears in public wearing a white suit, tie, and shoes, or sometimes kurta-pajama, avoiding the traditional saffron robes of many religious figures. He shares that his interest in spirituality began while he was still employed, leading him to eventually leave his job in the 1990s to fully devote himself to religious life. He emphasizes that any donations or contributions received during his congregations are used for the benefit of the devotees.
Narayan Sakaar Hari’s Satsangs have attracted attention not only for their large attendance but also for the presence of several prominent political leaders from Uttar Pradesh on his stage.
Criminal Cases Against Bhole Baba
Sources indicate that Bhole Baba, who led the Satsang in Hathras, has several criminal cases registered against him. The Satsang where the tragic stampede occurred was held at an ashram in Ratibhanpur, near the Hathras-Etah border. A large crowd had gathered to hear his discourse.
Avoidance of Social Media
In an era dominated by the internet, Bhole Baba stands out for his avoidance of social media. Unlike many contemporary monks and religious storytellers, he does not have any official accounts on social media platforms. Despite this, his followers claim that he commands a substantial following at the grassroots level.
This tragic incident has cast a shadow over Bhole Baba’s widespread influence and raised questions about the management and safety of large religious gatherings.