Akshat Srivastava, a 22-year-old from Varanasi, India, is a talented student currently attending BITS Pilani K K Birla College in Goa. His journey into the world of coding began at the age of 16 after being introduced to it by his brother. Always intrigued by technology, coding felt like a natural fit. He was fascinated by the vast possibilities coding offered, from solving real-world problems to bringing imaginative ideas to life.
“My first experience with coding was when I learnt web development, it started out as building some static website designs and eventually learning the backend development to create dynamic websites,” Akshat tells FE. “As I got more comfortable with programming, I started exploring different fields like web3 and eventually iOS development.”
What he loves most about coding is the combination of creativity and positive impact it can lead to. Whether it’s building a website to help people find information easily or creating an app to solve a specific problem, coding allows Akshat to turn ideas into reality and “hopefully make the world a little better in the process.”
Bringing ideas to life
Apple’s annual Swift Student Challenge celebrates the pinnacle of student coding talent, and this year, the competition introduced an exciting new category. From a pool of 350 winning submissions, 50 students have been “distinguished” for their exceptional app playgrounds that shine in innovation, creativity, social impact, or inclusivity. Akshat has been selected as one of the distinguished winners for his innovative submission, MindBud.
MindBud, an app born from the joyful moments Akshat spent with his nephew, is designed to transport kids into a world of classic games and activities reminiscent of his own childhood. The app’s mission is to foster both analytical and creative thinking in young minds. It features four engaging mini-games that encourage kids to play with their family and friends, blending traditional fun with modern technology.
To bring MindBud to life, Akshat utilised a suite of advanced tools. He leveraged SwiftUI for the app’s user interface, AVKit for audio integration, PencilKit for drawing capabilities, and FileManager for data handling. These technologies ensure that MindBud offers a seamless and immersive experience, making classic learning activities accessible in a new, exciting way.
“From the timeless strategy of Connect 4 to the creative exploration of sketching, every aspect of MindBud is designed to spark joy, foster creativity, and encourage connection. I wanted to make sure that children today could experience the same sense of wonder and delight that I did growing up,” he says.
Akshat finds SwiftUI’s simplicity and elegance its most sought-after features. SwiftUI utilises a declarative syntax that allows developers to describe the desired appearance and behaviour of the user interface in a clear and concise manner. This not only makes the code easier to write and understand but also results in a more intuitive and efficient development process. Additionally, SwiftUI’s live preview feature enables real-time feedback, allowing developers to see their changes instantly and iterate quickly.
“I built the whole of the app on iPad, and as there is not a full scale development ide other than swift playgrounds, it was a bit challenging on setting up the orientations for screen and background image visibility. But, there has been so much growth in the last few years, I hope, in some years SwiftUI, will be the new industry standard and the best way to create iOS apps.”
Beyond his coding prowess, Akshat has a passion for music and sports. He enjoys playing the guitar and is an avid football enthusiast. His inventive spirit shone brightly during the COVID-19 crisis when he developed an app to track vacant hospital beds using social media posts from Twitter and Facebook. This initiative demonstrated his ability to apply technology to real-world problems, showcasing his commitment to making a positive impact on society.
Looking ahead, Akshat aspires to publish his MindBud submission on the App Store, aiming to reach a wider audience and inspire more children through his creative and educational games. His journey from a young coder in Varanasi to a distinguished app developer in Goa exemplifies his dedication, creativity, and the potential to transform the way children learn and play in the digital age.
As a Distinguished Winner, he has earned an exclusive invitation to a three-day, in-person experience at Apple Park. This special event, held during the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), will offer tailored programming designed to enhance skills and foster creativity. Akshat will join a global community of like-minded creators, sharing ideas and drawing inspiration from one another.
“I am expecting this year’s WWDC to be one of its kind, and introduce a whole range of different AI capabilities and frameworks, which will be integrated in the upcoming OS updates, as well as providing frameworks, so that we as developers can use those AI frameworks to build and ship incredible AI apps. Also, I expect the new OS updates will be able to harness the incredible hardware power the new M-series chips offer on both iPad and Macs.”
Technology that impacts lives
Asmi Jain, a 21-year-old student from Indore, India, has quickly made a name for herself in the world of coding. Intrigued by the world of machines, she started coding since the age of 19, while still in high school. Currently studying computer science at Medicaps University, Asmi’s dedication and skill earned her recognition as a Swift Student Challenge winner in 2023, an achievement that also landed her a feature in a prominent newsroom post.
“Seeing the incredible work of tech pioneers and the booming startup scene in India only fuelled my excitement for what lay ahead. Each computer science class felt like unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge, and I soaked up every bit of it,” Asmi says, adding “Watching my brother effortlessly build amazing projects inspired me to dive headfirst into creating my own. After honing my skills, I proudly developed my first basic app.”
Active in her college community, Asmi regularly participates in events like the Smart India Hackathon. Additionally, she is gaining practical experience through her internship with food delivery platform Swiggy. Her blend of academic pursuits and real-world application underscores her commitment to technology and innovation.
This year, Asmi’s playground submission is a healthcare app designed to assist individuals struggling with hand movements. The Hand Track app, developed using SwiftUI, UIKit, and the Combine framework, utilises AVFoundation to fetch frames from the camera, tracking hand gestures and guiding users to improve their hand mobility. This thoughtful application highlights Asmi’s focus on creating technology that positively impacts people’s lives.
Her ingenuity was also evident in her previous project, the EyeTrack App, which she designed to help individuals with eye disorders such as strabismus or lazy eyes. This app addresses misaligned eye movements, offering a technological solution to a common medical issue.
“Health apps have always intrigued me due to their potential to solve real-world problems and assist others. My journey began with designing an app to educate about PCOD/PCOS, sparking a deeper interest in creating interactive solutions. I find myself drawn to the research on body movement post-injury or during recovery from illness, which inspired the development of apps showcased in WWDC’23 and ’24. The vast scope of the medical field fascinates me, and I take pride in making small contributions through technology,” she says.
Asmi’s dedication to her projects led her to visit the Apple Developer Centre in Bangalore, where she seeks guidance to enhance both of her apps. Her journey reflects not only her technical prowess but also her determination to refine and expand her work.
“Winning the Swift Student Challenge holds a special significance for me. It’s a unique platform where developers can showcase their technical skills while unleashing their creativity. It’s not just about coding; it’s about bringing imaginative ideas to life. Winning offers visibility within the Swift community, potentially leading to exposure and various opportunities.”
Excitement is building for Asmi as she prepares to attend WWDC24 in person. She looks forward to the event, eager to absorb the latest software updates and innovations announced there. Asmi’s story is one of rapid growth and unwavering ambition, illustrating her journey from a novice coder to an accomplished developer whose work promises to make a meaningful difference in the world of healthcare technology.
“My expectations for WWDC 2024 revolve around updates to Apple’s software, hardware, and developer tools. Anticipated highlights include enhancements to iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, alongside potential advancements in generative AI technologies,” she adds.
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